I bought my brad nailer from Harbor Freight for about $20. It's worked fine and it's driven a lot of nails for me. Will it last me for years? Probably not. But it's done more than $20 worth of work.
All of this is true. Ask me how I know about the second part......
Hehehe. Don't have to. It works well , doesn't it?
Use a finish nailer.
Why are you putting up trim before the taper finishes?
Do I need to be worried about splitting the quarter round?
Practice on this first.Seriously, I cannot pound a *$%!#& nail!
If you have predrilled holes and are doing finish nails (I believe both of these to be true, but I've been fooled before) you can drive it the whole way with a nailset, which will probably either solve or aggravate your problem, depending on what your actual problem is (This one is kinda hard to solve by internet, unfortunately.) That is assuming that the predriled hole lets you get the nail in the trim without the hammer doing much, if anything. Going waaaaay back, you can also hold the nail with a pair of grooved pliers (not too tight) if smacking your fingers is either a problem or causing a "fear of" problem. Use cheap pliers, since you'll probably hit them.
I'm the weirdo who won't use a nailgun even if they are provided (obviously not a pro, but an amateur with wide-ranging experience, and I prefer hammers...)
For general naildriving, nothing like scrap lumber, a hammer, and a bunch of nails....until you nail it.