Great to hear ! Hope it was worth the terribly long wait due to UPSLove this thing! Great pedal @Singular Audio !
Great to hear ! Hope it was worth the terribly long wait due to UPS
cutting the cooling slots for the Tubedrv (by hand)I'd welcome further details. What made this project unusually challenging?
Ive got both the tubedrve and LowRider combined in one pedal. I can run the FPT into that, into a SBM into an Arkham UltraLinear. Ive no reason to think this wont sound great.Sooo, I am finding myself wanting one of these more and more. Even if it would mean buying a new power supply as well.
Anyone familiar with both the Tubedrve and Audio Kitchen FPT? Kind of worried that the overlap on «amp like» overdrive would be too big.
Both would be running into Lowrider -> Broughton SBM -> LBA 23Fe+ -> Noble
I got to compare the two over the weekend. The Tubedrve adds more lower and higher harmonic content. It also has more heft. That being said, the Power Stage has an amazing midrange grunt/growl. Together they are absolutely fantastic.Please do share your thoughts when you can!
There is no EQ on the Tubedrve. The Bias alters the character of the breakup, but no equalization per se. Were you referring to this pedal?Could anyone fill me in on the type of EQ that is working here?
Given that at first glance, it looks a lot like a Sushi Box FX Pedal, I simply assumed there is a Fender tone stack at work, but
actually, it's only looking a bit like Sushi on the outside, but the inner workings are fundamentally different, plus
there is no mention of the EQ anywhere on the website or the manual. If it was posted somewhere in this thread, then I did not see it.
There is no EQ on the Tubedrve. The Bias alters the character of the breakup, but no equalization per se. Were you referring to this pedal?
that's my sense too. took it out for a spin during a jam session yesterday and couldn't quite find a sound that I wanted. Expected a more tube warm sounding drive but got a lot of the breakup. Still trying to figure how best to use the pedal.I don't get any tube weight out of the tubedrve, but it definitely has miles of different tube breakup>drive. Shut it down before changing modes though, pent/trio, high/low ect.
Probably what I like the most is how your tone doesn't change while upping the gain/bias, that's nice
Could you share your settings on the Tubedrve?Tubedrive now a permanent fixture on my stripped down yet still over the top board. Please keep in mind that this is not a Boost pedal. It is a dirt pedal. And it's one of the finest I've tried. I won't bore you with the details of my long search for a previously found pentode tone that has eluded me for years. I now have it again.. Also, I really cannot overstate the importance of top jacks.