Some Idiot Stole my Bongo!

Note to self, buy AirTag for bass, put into control cavity!

Control cavities are usually shielded and an AirTag isn't going to work well. Remember, an AirTag isn't a GPS locator, it's just a device that pings its location when close to an iPhone. And if you have an AirTag following you that isn't registered to yourself, your iPhone will notify you that an AirTag is following you. They're great for tracking items you have lost, but not great for theft recovery or for tracking someone secretly.
Would have got on the mic and let everyone in the place know there is an instrument missing…it’s a big black bass guitar, if it is returned in the next few minutes the live band will continue to entertain and the show will go on, if the bass is not returned and you want to dance you will be dancing the rest of the night to a loop of the Macarena…JK :)

Good on you to pull out the back up and finish (the show must go on) but would first probably be requesting the venue to pull the security camera feeds ASAP.
Say wha???? that's insane..... of all the stuff you could grab and run with, they chose a Bongo!!!! They're big, stick out like a sore thumb. Its hard to envision a crack head thief running down the road with a big old shiny Bongo. So surely the parking lot cameras will show some lowlife shoving a Bongo in their car?.... And nobody seen somebody walking around with a bass during break? You'd think they'd notice that. This all doesn't add up. Now if it mysteriously just shows up a couple days from now. That means the band hates your Bongo, swiped it and hid it on ya. Now they hope you'll never let it out of the house again.
And if it was the band members I would press charges. That’s low. I don’t care what they like or don’t like
Not much I hate more than a thief.

Sorry, Ope... hope you find your axe. Buncha props for keeping together to finish out the gig on your backup!

If you have them, suggest posting pictures and deets including serial number to help us keep our eyes peeled.
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i'm so sorry this happened to you.

hopefully you can leave the description and serial number with the local pawn shops and music stores. once the police get the word out, they'll have it, but it's not necessarily something that will happen immediately.

i assume you're keeping a sharp eye on reverb, ebay, FB marketplace and CL..
We were playing a huge corporate function last night. Roughly 800 folks in a large warehouse, all partying and dancing. We took a break and I got away from the crowd for about 5 minutes. I came back to tune and guess what, my black Bongo 5 was gone from the stand.

I thought maybe it was put in the rack by one of the guys but, nope, gone! As usual, nobody saw a thing! I'm beyond livid. I reported it for all the good that will do. Broke out my backup bass to finish the night. I have the serial # and, my name is under the PG just like all my basses. Nothing outstanding about it other than it's in pristine condition. We were in a large city so not much chance of finding it. I will do what I have to try an find it.
So sad to hear the bad news. Idiot is not the word I would use for the thief though. You’re way too polite.
A friend who had their Telecastor stolen found it in a pawn shop a year later. He had proof of ownership so it was returned to him. One can only hope your bass turns up. Good luck.
Does your state / county require a hold on pawnshop purchases? Where I am, at some Guitar Centers they can just sell it the next minute after something comes in. In other counties they have to hold it for 30 days to clear police reports for stolen goods. You have the serial number, that's good, so make sure you file a police report and the bass can get into the system. It's probably your best course of action besides getting the list of all 800 guests and tracking them all down. Probably some kind of law against that. Heh. But I've been thinking, is there any kind of bike lock type of thing that could have helped in this case? It wouldn't be fool proof, but just to make your stuff the least likely to walk.
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