Spring is just around the corner

Hopefully their homeowners assn doesn't propose some radical poison or croaker relocation program. I see a lot of new neighbors moving into a neighborhood, and immediately trying to change it ... like the morons that rent above a bar that's been there for decades and then complain that the noise is too loud too late.
All their water is on my land. They are mine. :D
The Frogs, Chickens, Cows, Goats and other loud creatures were here long before. :p
I like frogs and the sounds they make. A friend of mine had a little cabin nearby, next to a swampy old pond in the woods. I went over there one day, when the frogs were really croaking and making noise. He had a shotgun mic on the porch, aimed at the pond, with the audio feed running into his stereo system. It was up pretty loud, too. I dug it.
There is a large, swampy area out in back of my house, and I love it when it first starts getting nice in the spring, because I can open all the windows and hear the frogs and the train in the distance. That's when I generally put on some Neil Young and maybe do some stargazing on the porch, before the bugs come out. I love that time of year. Ain't happening for a bit here, tho. We just got snow and cold.
Amplifying them. Hoo boy, is that ever not needed. The pond behind me makes it loud enough on the deck to hurt your ears. I'll see if I can remember to haul the dB meter out there this year. Usually louder at night. Usually keep the windows closed and hear them just fine, or open windows on the other side of the house if ventilation is needed.

I don't mind, the poor frogs are in enough trouble with habitat destruction, I just don't sit out there long when they are in full-throated lust. But they are sensitive little beasts - if the owl drops by it gets really quiet, really fast. We've got 3-4 species of frogs that use it as if it was a vernal pool, and it's months from the ones that I'm just as happy didn't get going in the last warm spell (the -2F weather followed by the foot or more of snow might have negatively impacted their reproductive success) - those ones do start before the ice is all out, usually - until the more-or-less end of the season. The ones I like best are the tree frogs that look like a lump of lichen - it's fun trying to spot them - they are quite loud, but also sensitive to people, so you have to find a spot of lichen that isn't, most of the time. They run a bit later in spring. Quack like a duck, peep high and shrill, trills, the various frogs have all sorts of noises. I don't think the bullfrogs have stayed put recently, as I have not heard Jug-O-Rum in quite a while nearby, but they may have moved to the next pond. For now, more than a foot of snow and a few inches of ice over it, looking like at least another week or two before it hots up again. But when the first rainy night over 60F comes, look out, it's a wave of lust-crazed amphibians.

I have been known to do a Quasimodo impression swapping "frogs" for "bells."
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Last 2 nights i was able to sleep with the window open next to my head. I'm usually a wuss when the temp drops below 60, but Spring has definitely sprung with these longer & longer days happening ... at least it's not dark at 4pm anymore :)
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We can thank daylight savings time for that. It was kinda light when I get up in the morning before the time change. Now it's pitch dark again. Yeah, I'm whining. Oh, well. It won't be dark all that much longer.

Noisy frogs, toads, insects, birds and all that are one of the few things I miss about living in rural Ohio. The noise could be deafening.

One of the things that has amused and irritated me is development around the local racing track. It's got a road race course and a drag strip. They run NHRA National events there. Loud is an understatement. So, what happens? People build big, fancy houses and then complain about the noise. The track is petty obvious. It has a big sign that tells you it's there. There are events just about all the time, ranging from drag races most weekend nights to car and motorcycle road races. And endless track days. It doesn't sit idle. Which means there was probably a whole lot of noise when these clowns looked at the houses they bought. Plus, you know all of 'em have loud, obnoxious lawn mowers that are louder up close than a full pack of small racing engines. Maybe not louder than big racing engines. Humans aren't really from this planet.
Looks like the drought is finally over here in Northern California. It has been raining pretty steady most of the winter. I am glad but I am also glad it finally stopped raining. Opened our skylight on Sunday and put the screens back in our windows. The breeze flowing though the house felt good.
Today we have blue skies and sunshine and I can hear birds calling for a mate. I also got to get back on my bike and ride to work. I am very happy to be back in the saddle.
How are things where you live?

Slobake, how did I get the idea that you lived in Noo Yawk?

I must be imagineering things.
People build big, fancy houses and then complain about the noise.
Similar to people here that build big fancy suburban housing developments on farmland next to working farms and then complain about the odor. Or the slow tractors moving from field to field on once rural roads. Or flies from the manure spread on the fields.

People are the worst.
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We can thank daylight savings time for that. It was kinda light when I get up in the morning before the time change. Now it's pitch dark again. Yeah, I'm whining. Oh, well. It won't be dark all that much longer.

Noisy frogs, toads, insects, birds and all that are one of the few things I miss about living in rural Ohio. The noise could be deafening.

One of the things that has amused and irritated me is development around the local racing track. It's got a road race course and a drag strip. They run NHRA National events there. Loud is an understatement. So, what happens? People build big, fancy houses and then complain about the noise. The track is petty obvious. It has a big sign that tells you it's there. There are events just about all the time, ranging from drag races most weekend nights to car and motorcycle road races. And endless track days. It doesn't sit idle. Which means there was probably a whole lot of noise when these clowns looked at the houses they bought. Plus, you know all of 'em have loud, obnoxious lawn mowers that are louder up close than a full pack of small racing engines. Maybe not louder than big racing engines. Humans aren't really from this planet.
Not a fan of the daylight 'savings' thing ... we should all just follow Arizona and not do that. You can't trick Mother Nature.

And i remember growing up in rural Pennsyltucky had deafening crickets at night.

Thee most annoying sounds in the world to me all revolve around lawn care. Some of those dudes really take their time like they're getting paid hourly with the mowing, weedwhacking, & worst of all .. leafblowing!

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The only thing I don't like about spring is when we "spring forward" the damn clock for Daylight Savings Time. I'm still feeling like "Schitt" from loosing the hour!
18F this morning at 06:30

my washer fluid was frozen & I didn't put water in there


I guess I should have bought this^ version.
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We can thank daylight savings time for that. It was kinda light when I get up in the morning before the time change. Now it's pitch dark again. Yeah, I'm whining. Oh, well. It won't be dark all that much longer.

Noisy frogs, toads, insects, birds and all that are one of the few things I miss about living in rural Ohio. The noise could be deafening.

One of the things that has amused and irritated me is development around the local racing track. It's got a road race course and a drag strip. They run NHRA National events there. Loud is an understatement. So, what happens? People build big, fancy houses and then complain about the noise. The track is petty obvious. It has a big sign that tells you it's there. There are events just about all the time, ranging from drag races most weekend nights to car and motorcycle road races. And endless track days. It doesn't sit idle. Which means there was probably a whole lot of noise when these clowns looked at the houses they bought. Plus, you know all of 'em have loud, obnoxious lawn mowers that are louder up close than a full pack of small racing engines. Maybe not louder than big racing engines. Humans aren't really from this planet.
There is a wealthy area under the flight path of John Wayne airport in Orange County. The airport closes at night, I think it is 10 p.m. During the day pilots gun the engines with the brakes on and then take off like a shot. I was on a plane when one smart alecky pilot announced "prepare for lift off."
When the planes get over the wealthy homes they cut back their engines and float over the area. It's kind of scary if you don't know what is coming.