Starting to find repeats here on TB

On the plus side, a fresh crop of bassists seem to be joining us here on the best bass guitar forum on the planet. The down side is that all the same arguments, questions and thought starters are coming back up. Why Fender? P or J? Pick or Fingers? Maple or Rosewood? Ampeg or Boutique?
Just a comment more than anything else. Everything old is new again (except me!)
Alas even this very thread topic has been done before. :D

It's all about building a knowledge base and moving bass playing forward IMO. I don't mind rehashing discussions. Sometimes they even change my mind!
It's TalkBass, not RememberBass.:)
Oh that's a classic - now, if I can only remember it!

The search tool here still sux, so I use Google a lot and find what I need that way. And I LOVE resurrecting zombie threads!! Wouldn't that be better than posting the same thing again? I mean, come on, aren't a lot of folks on here into vintage equipment? Why not vintage threads??

Anyone else use panasonic dollar store 9volts? Let's start a club! !

I'll join that club.

I buy the "no-brand" or the ones with Chinese writing and Dragons all over them. They don't last nearly as long as Big Battery name brands, but I'm convinced that they make my Keeley modified TS9 sound better.....
It's TalkBass, not RememberBass.:)

If you're mentoring then you answer the questions presented, even repeats.:thumbsup:

You can even gather hundreds of links, categorize them and create a Wiki page so newbies can gave a reference source. Oh yeah, I did that.:D

See the link in my sig.:thumbsup:

If you build it, they will come.
I remember this one time at band camp..................
I'm hardly a veteran here but I think it's great to see new folks and try to be welcoming and helpful.
Even when the same old questions get asked I much prefer to find a helpful link or whatever... I hate seeing 'use the search function' as a reply...
PA-LEEEEEEZE! use the search function before addressing me. And if you must address me directly please refer to me as "oh wise one" or "your majesty."
That is all, carry on. ;)
If you're going to teach, and hopefully you are, you gotta expect a new crop of noobs every year or so. They'll be starting out with next to no knowledge and need all the help they can get. I've felt the same as you, that I'd learned all that TB had to teach. I've put in my.02, expressed opinions, offered advice. And for that reason I've been flamed, ridiculed, put down and harassed. But I've also been thanked, appreciated, etc. I guess I'll keep on lurking, something pops up every so often that needs comment.
I remember this one time at band camp..................

Get your mind out of the gutter. This is a family site.

Separately: The gear sections tend toward the repetitive and the argumentative; my easy solution is to not read them. I read and do my best to contribute to the management and gig topics, since those are of interest to me, and once in a great while I may even have something useful to say, although I try not to make a habit of it.

And in times of personal stress, I find it soothing to read the Classifieds. :D
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We were all new to TB at one time. Be patient. Be kind. It's kind of like kindergarten...

All kinds of THIS! ↑ ↑ ↑ !!!

I met a couple of nasty "teachers" on my first day here. It wasn't pleasant but I'm sure they felt it was their duty to tell me what to think, do and say. At least they sounded like they did and it did leave a lasting impression of my first time here.
I got over it, never forgot it, but a nice "first day" would have been much more positive in the long run. I like seeing so many new folks on what seems a continual basis.