I'm getting pretty worried by what you guys seem to think I'm into...
Worried because we're wrong, or worried because it hits too close to home?I'm getting pretty worried by what you guys seem to think I'm into...
I suppose you could have posted a Dead Milkmen song if you were feeling unkind...'My Daddy Was A Milkman' by The Kentucky Headhunters.
HECK YA!!!Some nice news.
The good folks at ZeeMaps have decreed that knowing where all us bassplayers can be found is a worthy enough project that they"ve waived any future fees.
Or growing it...Just what I thought , east coasters announcing themselves loud and proud, and west coasters hiding in the woods, smoking weed.
Actually, I'm thinking a slight adjustment to the band name. Say you're doing a King Crimson tribute band..Yeah.
My apologies, but I've had to suspend payment.
Decided to cut back on a lot of my expensive fripperies (what a band name!) and this was one of them.
I have contacted them to see if they'll lift the view limit, given it's a non-profit hobby, so maybe it'll open again soon.