Thanks to drunk ADULT FEMALE, my Genz-Benz cab died in middle of gig last night.

Did anyone think the crossover might be the problem and not the speakers. Pull the speakers out and test them. I've heard of cross overs with thermal protection / fuses. Not the girls fault, if you invited her over to where the pedals are located. If you have a warranty on the cab, that's the only way you're going to be re-imbursed. Good Luck!
Not in the OP's cabinet.
I'm tellin' ya! Some of the things people suggest on here that the venue should provide make me laugh. Hell, some places are lucky to have a bartender!

What? You mean Joe's Bar (anytown USA)

download (2).jpg

Does NOT provide this:


For the safety & protection of their Featured Acts, appearing Thursday-Friday, No Cover, Budweiser (on tap) $2.00??
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Right on...well I'm thinking it's a bit too much of a crapshoot for me to try them in that cab for $130. The PF112hlf is a couple inches smaller all around than the Shuttle 6.2-112t cab, and you said it doesn't sound Ampeggy, which makes it right out :D I was thinking it might be a way to get a little higher power handling and not increase weight.

God, after reading that last sentence I typed, I think I need a TB vacation! I sound like all the other watt-squeezing nerds on here!
Dang it @JimmyM please stick to the authorized licensed Ampeg stuff! :laugh:
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I always thought the female version of a 'Dude' was a 'Deed' or 'Dee-Dee.'

I must be old. ;):laugh:

back in the '80s and '90s, we mostly referred to female friends as "dudette". although for years i referred to everyone - male, female or trans - as dude until one of the singers i worked with had a sister who was enraged i referred to her inadvertently as dude. she told her sister the singer i did it just to insult her *lol*

and btw, i am old :D
Realistically, who would file an insurance claim for something Darkhorse has offered to help you fix for what is likely a few hundred bucks, max???? Live and learn and move on. Insurers HATE tiny claims, they will drop you for filing such nonsense.
I was really just addressing the several comments that mentioned filing an insurance claim.
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First, any policy whatsoever (if it was even realistic) would probably have a deductible greater than the value of gear, so...
Secondly, the agent prolly wouldn't stop laughing long enough to process said claim!

Not being funny, It ain't gonna happen.

I had a drummer audition once... His name was called, he barreled into the studio to adjust the kit, and on the way, he bumped into and pulled out the cable from an Ibanez Promethian head I was using; I really liked that head.

It pulled the input jack RIGHT outta the faceplate, and that was that.
Gotta be careful around gear- stage, home, or studio!

Only good thing to come of this was that I used the rooms back line rig, it was an older GK-700. Reminded me of how much I dug the GK sound, so the next day I purchased my MB Fusion 500!

So there, a silver lining springs forth from a dumb-ass!

(Btw- Drummer did NOT get the gig! (and paid for repair of Promethian too!:roflmao:)
This is why I told an old band of mine that I would not play shows like this anymore. One had a trampoline-like wood stage, where annoying girls would jump to the point of easily making the mics bounce and smack my mouth, so that was enjoyable. Stopped playing that hole.

The worst, was a club that actually encouraged as many girls as possible to fill the stage. Long story short, even after "battle-proofing" everything myself, a few girls (drunk, of course) managed to break off an effects-loop jack on the front of my head, and then after a few more shows there, I noticed dried and sticky drink residue all over the top and front (I was way too patient with that place, possibly because of the skanks). The aftermath was disgusting, and that amp was fixed a lot.

This is, anymore, why I forbid to play places that let drunk a-holes stumble up onto the stage, even if friends of the band. They don't care. We only let people up who aren't jerks, and are actually respectful (there are a few!). Luckily, the musicians I've played with the last few years, and now, don't put up with any of the drunk crap on stage.