The Quest for the Holy Grail of Overdrive (HGO)

i've been using one of my own pedals lately for my OD/distorted tones and it's working great. it actually knocked my Origin DCX bass off of my set up and i LOVE the DCX bass. here's pic of it:
For jazz bass or any bass where you roll off the high end I'd use a solid gold Beta (the newer one looks great) or the Grizzly--it's upper mid roll off is right where you want it, also the high end cut. But I found these over 10 years ago, so they are less mentioned here. Add the Wounded Paw Black Sheep with 3 seperate bands of overdrive, and I'm fairly content.
If you like the Mojomojo but just want a little less, then try the TC Spark Booster (full size). The Spark and Mojomojo are on the same continuum, with the Spark on the lighter end and MM on the heavier end, and they play well together.

I don't know. I had Mojomojo and liked it, now I have the Spark Booster, but I just can't get myself to like it. Maybe I haven't had the time to try it out properly. I fell in love with Lightspeed (clone) instead.
I will keep trying to get SB, though.
I hadn’t been out to your site in a while, but just did so. Good grief that Bassman tube preamp looks awesome.
it not only looks awesome but it also sounds great. i sold it locally to a friend yesterday but immediately regretted it so i'm going to build one more to keep for myself.
Holy Grail? Of Overdrive? SWR Interstellar Overdrive. Best overdrive and most verstatile recording and live preamp available, in my opinion. As far as a pedal, Tube Works Blue Tube. Basically a Bassman in a box, it has a 3 band Fender Tone stack. Bass can be a bit strong for its input, depending on attack style. I use amps with parallel effects loops with it, drive it hard then mix it in. My SansAmp is a very good tool for some things, tho. But if I had to use just one? The Interstellar is it.