but If you add more than just a bit of drive the E string gets really farty quickly and not always in a pleasant way. Lowering the Bass setting on the pedal helps. If not for this issue it would be the perfect pedal for my ears.
Yes that’s a big problem with standard overdrive as for a guitar. The bass end should be more clean than the top, otherwise it gets like a bass fuzz or “farty.” The other problem is losing your low end when popping it on, vs the bypassed sound, which happens with the OD on the Fender Rumble.
A good bi-amp/clean blend type pedal gets around this. DG Vintage Microtubes is great this way. I found depending on what you put through it (flats, rounds, Jazz, EB0) it really sounds like the old recordings nicely. (Glenn Cornick, Jack Bruce, Jack Casady, John Entwistle). Just defaults to the right sound without very much tweaking. My grail. The more complicated versions could be interesting - deluxe, ultra.
Tech21 YYZ is also great, and much more adjustable. The “tight” button kills some of the bass going into the drive side so you don’t get the farty bass fuzz thing going if you don’t want it. It tends to default to the SansAmp scoop sound but you can pretty much dial that out with the eq settings. Not just Geddy sound.
4 on the Floor also looks good and demos sound good I think. I like the idea of the filters controlling what’s going in and out of the drive side.
SoildGoldFX Beta sounds good in demos too, the new version Beta V has more eq adjustment, not just a darker sound available. Old tube amp overdrive type sound.