
It is touching to read through these. I miss my father every single day but I know his memory lives on, within us and without us. My gratitude to all.

Thanks so much for weighing in. O. and I exchanged many PM's here on TB, and he was one of my all time favorite TB collaborators. So sorry for your loss.
Wow. I really had no idea we'd lost Thor until a minute ago. Damn sad news. Terrific chap.

It is touching to read through these. I miss my father every single day but I know his memory lives on, within us and without us. My gratitude to all.

I dont log in to TB much at all anymore but years ago I did so regularly. It is with heavy heart that I just now learned of Thors passing. My belated condolences to his friends and loved ones. I think that its telling of the person he was that so many here on SOL and beyond remember him fondly.
Olaf, old buddy, you are missed. So many times back in the day, you helped me and many others with setup and repair issues.

I don't come around much these days, so I didn't know you had passed on to the next plane. I still sometimes go digging through the Setup forum when I'm trying to figure something out, and didn't see this thread until today.