Trying to decide between several seemingly similar cabs with 12" speakers...

What's your pick for a single cab for noise/stoner/doom rock?

  • Greenboy fEARful 1212/6

    Votes: 10 40.0%
  • Accugroove El Whappo

    Votes: 3 12.0%
  • Bergantino HDN212

    Votes: 5 20.0%
  • "The other cab I mentioned in my comment below."

    Votes: 7 28.0%

  • Total voters
See the that's exactly what I'm getting at. That Fearless cab in the video is not dyi. There are Fearful cabs which are dyi and the plans are available on the internet. Then there are Fearless cabs which are only available from authorized builders. They are similar but not the same. The cab in the vid is a Fearless.

I would suggest trying those cabs to see for yourself what they have to offer. Not everything is in the numbers.

Edit: Afaik the crossover to the tweeter is at 3k for the true 3 way crossover. You can find the plans on Greenboy's forum.
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The Berg cabinets are really nice (surprised to only see one comment on them here) . I have a CN112 and an NV115 and both have fabulous low end and move a lot of air and I can always get really good tone. There is a lot of praise for the 212 models in the Berg thread. IME it is worth it to take your bass (and head if possible) and go try some. There are a million people on TB with a million opinions but best to ask your ears what they would like to work with. And I don't think all the specs are going to tell you that much except which has a possibly deeper low end and which is more efficient. Even that is misleading as my CN112 is rated lower than my NV115 but I think the NV has deeper low end (to me it sounds like you are getting more of the lowest fundamentals as opposed to harmonics). A comparison trip is difficult with many cabs but if you can get into NYC Rudy's is a Berg dealer. When making a trip like that I would call or email ahead to see what they have in stock. That being said, the Barefaced are also really nice, tons of love for the BT2. I did buy a One 10 without trying it and that worked out great but I intended that mostly for practices, etc. so I was not too worried.