What is the best clip-on tuner for tracking a low B?


passionate hack
Supporting Member
Apr 15, 2006
Not sure where this thread should go so mods feel free to move as necessary. I have clip-ons that work....IME Snarks work best with the B but are fragile and break. My TC is a more durable mechanical design but tracks less reliably....what's your favorite, specifically with respect to the B string accuracy?
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I think it also has to do with the bass itself, as strange as that may sound.

I have one of these: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B01J38RW9Q/. It works great with one of my 5 string basses, but not nearly as well with the other. It also doesn't work very well with my cheapy acoustic 4 string bass, which is made out of questionable wood.

My theory is that it depends on how well the particular instrument transfers the vibration of the strings to the tuner. I could be completely wrong though, but that's been my experience.
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I really like the Snark, but don't understand why people complain that they break - it's never happened to me. Just keep it in your case, and don't drop it.

i play/teach for a living. all the snarks that i've had did inevitably break. yes, if your able to be super careful with them they'll last long, but from my experience taking the same instrument in/out of a case 10+ times a day, they tend to not last forever. years, though.

in any case, i use the d'addario clip ons now. play the 12th fret harmonic and any clip on will track it :bassist:
I’m finding that the headstock shape and size makes a big difference.

TC Polyclip works great on my zon sonus 5 and my bongo 5’s with large headstocks.

EBMM Sterling the B barely tracks (unless u use the octave) and the E doesn’t do very well either.

Also have a SBMM sb15 that has the same shape headstock but is a little wider and it tracks noticeably better than the EBMM
I've had the best tracking of the low B with the Peterson StroboClip. That's the tuner I keep in my kit at all times.

I've also had decent luck with the little Planet Waves clips but they don't track as well as the Peterson.

I used a Sabine clip-on for a number of years that was pretty durable but it's B string tracking was quite poor.
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