What is the best clip-on tuner for tracking a low B?

The Snark isn't fragile at all, as long as you take it off and put it away when you're done with it.

I have broken one or two by leaving them clipped to the headstock of a bass in a traveling gig bag.

Snarks work best with the B but are fragile and break.

I've had one break on me. I called Snark and they sent me a new arm and clip.

what's your favorite, specifically with respect to the B string accuracy

I know you fixed your prob, but out of the few I have the Korg tuners seem better to me.
Glad you were able to figure it out. The TC does have a bass mode which makes it very quick and accurate. Awesome clip on tuner. I also have a Snark which is pretty good until you try the Polytune Clip, then you realize just how average the Snark really is. I only use the Snark at home now on my acoustic. For everything else, the Polytune Clip is amazing. It even works for me on a noisy stage. :thumbsup:
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I think it also has to do with the bass itself, as strange as that may sound.
Try moving it around. I have that problem in some places on certain basses but not on others.

Yep, different parts of the headstock vibrate different amounts. There can be dead spots on the headstock just like there can be dead spots on the fretboard.

The octave up/12th fret harmonic is often a tad sharper, even when the instrument is tuned as best it can be.

I'm happy to be proven wrong but physics suggest that the 12th fret harmonic is exactly the same note but an octave above vibrating at 82hz instead of 41hz.

My Snark doesn't pick up the open B string, so I tune it with the 12th fret harmonic.

I tune my E with the harmonic and even do the same thing on guitars. I find it is easier and the tuner reads it better.
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I gave up on clip ons after having trouble with the low b. I feel the polytune is the best of the lo. Hitting the harmonic does work fine for the b, but noisy stages can interfere with clip ons in general. I grew up on tuning to sometimes wonky pianos and brass, and swear by ear tuning. Or a korg pitch black on noisy stages.
Not sure where this thread should go so mods feel free to move as necessary. I have clip-ons that work....IME Snarks work best with the B but are fragile and break. My TC is a more durable mechanical design but tracks less reliably....what's your favorite, specifically with respect to the B string accuracy?
You can put a small zip-tie around the part of the Snark that breaks (the socket), secured with a couple tiny drops of CA glue. It's a prophylactic solution. I use the Snark if I'm not on my B|Amp.
Snark tended to work best for me even though I wouldn’t use one for more than jamming or a practice session. For a performance or a recording I’ll stick to my strobe stomp.

I just got a Korg Sledgehammer Pro from the TB store here. Seems to work unusually well with bass. Or did until my guitarist GF liked it and asked me if I could get another one. When I told her no problem, she said “good!” - and promptly claimed the one I had.

I now have two more on order. (And I intend to hide one of them.)
Not sure where this thread should go so mods feel free to move as necessary. I have clip-ons that work....IME Snarks work best with the B but are fragile and break. My TC is a more durable mechanical design but tracks less reliably....what's your favorite, specifically with respect to the B string accuracy?

I keep mine in a small tupperware in the headstock pocket of my gigbag
Best clip on I have is a Meisel clip on I got from Golihur. Use it on electric bass as well as the upright It has a switch to go from using the internal mic or use pick up vibrations from the instrument. The gooseneck flex on the head is also a nice feature.

The best hands down tuner I have however is the TC electronic Polytune stomp box unit. Perhaps someday I'll pick up one of their clip ons but for now havent needed.