I am the guy that voted 'hostile'."Its better than you going to the bar every night."
My wife equates playing in a club to going to a bar, even though I rarely drink maybe one drink or maybe 2 beers. There's no alcohol in our house which is fine with me, because I don't partake unless we're going to a party or other social event.
Going to a bar = sleeping with another woman and divorcing her. We've been married for 30 years, and in all other aspects, everything is cool, even the weekly jam session I attend.
I couldn't ask for a better, more beautiful woman. She just has this attitude that I can't change.
It is what it is, so as long as I can practice my bass and do the weekly jam thingy, I am golden.
I don't play in bars anymore and have no desire to, really.
Those years that I did were not enjoyable at ALL.