What Kind of Bass Guitar do you Play (Re-loaded)? BE SURE TO REVOTE!

What kind of electric bass guitar do you own/play?

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you've been here for 2 years and you haven't seen my doubleneck yet? wow, i must be slipping :D


WoW Beautiful!!!! Goodbye Adriana Lima wallpaper...Hello Awsome Bass and Cats wallpaper!!! :hyper::bassist:
I won't vote for them, but the last I heard . . .

Stew McKinnsey - two 8 string fretted, 10 string fretted on the way

Yves Carbonne - 10 string fretted and fretless, 12 fretless

Jean Baudin - what 3 or 4 nine strings, three 11 strings, and one 12 string and one 13 string in the makeing still??????

Al Caldwell - two fretted 9's and his fretted 11 string

Garry Goodman - fretted 7, 11, and 12 strings - 13 in the making????

"C3" - fretted 7 and two 9's ????

Gregory Bruce Campbell - fretted 3, 4, and 9 strings

Butch Ramsey - fretted 7's, 8, 9, and 10 strings - that might have changed though

Edo Castro - fretted 7, 8, and 9 strings

Unknown Dude - building fanned 14 string - I forgot his name
(Not the "super bass dude")

The canadian rock opera player (forgot his name too) - Bee fretted 9 string.

Trip Walsey - 4, 5, 8 string fretted player; 4 and 5 string fretless player

Mark Roberts fretted 4, 7, 8, 9, and soon to be 10 string player

Mike Valis - fretted 5 and 9 string player

Andy ???? - former Bee 10 string and fretless and fretted 9 string player. Also 6 string player.

Oversoul - 7 and 9 string player I believe

Elros - 7, 8, and 9 string player.

My point: there are several ERB players out there. Their input may sway the bottom part of the poll a little bit if they haven't already voted.

And again some of these facts may have changed in recent months, or my facts may be off a little bit. This is the best that I can remember though.
All fives for me. Really, all the pros are playing fives these days, and fours aren't even considered to be a true bass now.

Really? Not trying to be a jerk or anything, but would be curious if you could elaborate on this some :)

I've done the 7 and 8 string thing, played 6's exclusively for awhile, and now they sit in my closet - I pretty much just play 4 strings now. I have a 5 string acoustic fretless that I play every once in awhile, but no other 5 strings (out of about 12 or so basses). I have owned perhaps 4-5 5-string basses in my life, but never really liked them - I always preferred a 4 or a 6, and ended up getting rid of the 5 strings.

The last 4 basses that I bought are 4 strings, and I have a bass on order and a bass in the mail that are also 4 strings ...

Besides, they don't make vintage Fenders in 5 string flavors :)
  • 2 four-string fretted: Mike Lull Modern 4 & Spector Euro ReBop
  • 1 four-string fretless (my first bass defretted to learn the basics of fretless playing - mostly memorabilia at this point although I've considered picking up a Ibanez 4-string neck and putting it to use... Piccolo Bass, perhaps?)
  • 2 five-string fretted: Mike Lull Modern 5 & Spector ReBop 5 DLX FM
  • 1 five-string fretless: Custom Spector ReBop 5 DLX FM Lined Fretless
  • 1 six-string fretless: Ibanez SR-1206 (will be replaced with a Spector ReBop or Mike Lull tuned EADGC at some point in the future... I'm much more a fan of fivers than the six-string)
got 2 4-string fretted. traded my 5'er because the stupid B-string was getting in my way.

Hey guys am new to this website so sorry if i upset any one.

Interesting point you bring up skeptical , when i first got my tanglewood rebel 5 string i thought that as well, but now i findmy B to be a delight, Mostly coz it saves me having to tune the bugger to drop c :cool: