No, it's not. TAB is for the fret position and string.
That's actually one of the (more than a few) reasons I steer clear. I want to choose which fingering to use based on the tone required and the location of my left hand. Many people do tabs by ear. How would they even know the correct fretting anyhow?
I'm mostly a DB guy and I still use Simandl fingerings, so I will often pick different positioning than OFPF. That makes tabs clunky because I shift position at different points. For example, a 1A-5D jump requires a shift from 1/2 position to 2nd position which is much more wrist movement than a 1A-0G. On a DB I'd choose the former much/most, but on slab it depends on the direction of travel of my left hand - if I'm headed up the fretboard, then I'd use the 5, if I'm solidly in 1st posn or headed down, it might be the 0. Tabs send people to the 5th fret, or the 12th, or whatever, even though the choice of fingerings isn't nearly as important as the noise that comes out of the instrument (which is what standard notation provides).
Also, so many of them are either stupid or wrong that it makes it a iffy proposition in the best of circumstances.