I'm not sure if I'll do an accent color on the bottom, but an indicator spot looks good.
I've tried that, it doesn't work very well, certainly doesn't work well with sandpaper. Probably the best non-lathe method (the lathe works very well as you would imagine) is to use a plug cutter with the center drill removed. Now that I've figured out how to put the hole in the middle, I should try that again.I've been thinking about wooden knobs and have a different idea in mind. My thoughts involve a piece of 1/4" dowel glued into a small piece of wood, and the drill press set on a slow speed...
They are both 34", the two boards are not parallel to each other in the picture. And yes, I don't want lines on the face of the fretboard, I will put cheater lines and dots on the side.Weird, they sent you a 34” scale and a 35” scale...
Opposed to fretlines on a fretless board? (I am)
Fretting is my least favorite part of the job.