Sorry about lack of updates, just been busy. Hey, I got a new router table today!
Very excited to use it for real. But to say my old setup was completely terrible is an understatement. In the test fire I did with this, it was heavenly how well it worked.
Back to the progress though.
I did the fingerboard glue-up the other day.
That went pretty well. Not sure why I didn't take more pics when it was dry, but anyway, that was days ago. I prepped the fret slots a bit, shaped the headstock a little, glued up a matching headstock faceplate:
Then I went to work on the binding at the end of the FB. This was after soaking the white walnut overnight, making a clamping caul, then letting that dry overnight, THEN using the caul to hold it in place.
I see more sapwood being used in this build for accents because I like the looks here.
As for frets, I am trying to copy a technique I saw
@smithcreek use
in this post. So far, it's working.
A router, a stop, a notched piece of metal, and a crappy bit spinning off steel at a cool 30,000 rpms (or something like that).
(Thanks for sharing that, smithcreek! It's a brilliant idea and way cheaper than tang nippers that are terrible.)
This is a new thing for me, never bound a board or cut tangs. But I like it so far. Seeing as my early builds have some wicked fret sprout in them, I feel like using this technique will be a permanent addition. I may spring for a real metal cutting bit some day, as this got grabby on me once... ONCE.
(bonus points for knowing that last reference!)