Of course! And it's great getting guys like Tony to fly out for demos, and folks from all around to come. If anyone had been perhaps confused or put off in the past by it being a "Seattle" thing, which of course we know it wasn't necessarily just intended to be, hopefully it helps to make it more overtly inclusive - that was my hope, anyway
By no means was there any intention to slander previous events or your hosting, which I think I can speak for all of us in saying was truly fantastic and for which we're all grateful! There's a lot of work, personal expense, and just love you had to put into those past few events to make them into what they were, built up so much from that first one I went to at the Shipwreck Tavern in West Seattle like 11 years ago or something. A job very well done. This one will be simpler, but as I've been saying from the start, I just figured better something than nothing. For Northwesterners and beyond! I'm excited to see that new Dinger....