"_______ doesn't get enough love around here!"

I am surprised Freekbass doesn't come up more... I don't really know anything about him but if you have ever read Bass U.K. then you have heard about him being one of the greatest bass players of all time! Seriously, the way they plug this guy, who is American, makes it seem like everybody should know him and I have never heard of him or even heard him mentioned on TB.
I'm a big fan of Eddie Jackson from Queensryche. I think he does such a fantastic job of holding down the groove in a metal band. He seems to know the right time to copy the guitar line, and the right time to be a bass island. Plus, he's always so tight with the drums. He's not flashy, but he's so solid.

Sebastian Steinberg from Soul Coughing and various sideman gigs after that.

And before that, Sebastian played in a lot of (semi-)avant jazz groups around Boston. I first heard him playing with Joe Morris' trio. He can Skronk'n'Flail w/ the best of the outside jazz players, but he always brings that grounded sense of I AM THE FIRMAMENT! that made his parts in Soul Coughing so powerful.
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You've got great taste!
I really am amazed at the talent on bass that was around in the 60's and 70's. I remember being in a cover band in the early 90's and covering Rock my plimsol, and hearing the bass during the break when everyone lays back. It was fantastic! I like Ron better on bass than guitar to be honest. Greg with Humble Pie, his sound was so bottom heavy yet out front in the mix. He had great technique and understanding on how to put together a great bass line. One of my big influences as I have posted many times before was Mel Schacher with Grand Funk Railroad. The first live album from beginning to end would floor me whenever I listened to it. Still floor's me sometimes!