Damnation Audio Fan/Appreciation Thread

MBD3 arrived today. It's the best bass distortion pedal I've ever played. My only quibble is the bright white LEDs are gonna give me ocular migraines. Nothing a little tape won't fix. Otherwise, it's perfect. Well done.

Great! I recommend putting a piece of black gaffer tape over it and scraping a hole in the middle with a screw until you get enough light. My favorite LEDs are from EHX. They must have really high resistors on them that I find them really pleasant to look at. Maybe it's my sensitive blue eyes, but I don't understand the need for LEDs as bright as flood lights.
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Great! I recommend putting a piece of black gaffer tape over it and scraping a hole in the middle with a screw until you get enough light. My favorite LEDs are from EHX. They must have really high resistors on them that I find them really pleasant to look at. Maybe it's my sensitive blue eyes, but I don't understand the need for LEDs as bright as flood lights.
I use painters tape so I’m not in danger of hailing a blimp.
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