I use both, as things speed up movement wise, its more shape based, slower note + shape
Fully agree here. I side with your approach, for sure. Thanks for taking the time to share the story.Learn the music....not the fingerings or patterns. If you learn the music, and you learn your instrument, you can play the music wherever you need to, whenever you need to. The goal, at least the long-term one, is mastery and fluency, not a single specific passage. Always practice with that in mind.
I started on cello. It occurs to me that in classical etudes and repertoire, they throw a whole blizzard of notes at you, so you can't be thinking about letters or numbers while you're playing, or you'd go nuts. You have to reach a point where the music just flows from the page, or your ears, or your imagination, to your fingers. Due to my background, it's also how I approached the bass, and never learned any other way.I think in notes and intervals. Probably comes from classical cello training.
I like this idea.Here' s an idea, do scales and arpeggios on 1 string. Then do them in half notes, quarter etc. Then create patterns of time mixing those values and superimpose the scales arpeggios on top of that.
Well, that's an undefined statement. "Knowing the neck" to mean, when you see something written in notation, you can immediately know how to finger it? Absolutely yes. "Knowing the neck" to mean, you memorize a specific finger pattern and then you can move it up and down? Seems like a much lower-level knowledge.You need to know the neck. It's easily said but not easily done.
Hi, bass friends. General question for the group: When learning a tune, do you tend to memorize the notes, or fingerings/patterns/shapes?
No apologies needed; exactly what this thread and topic are for. Thanks for taking the time to share and elaborate.Sorry for the long response, but this is the journey that I am on right now. Apologies also for any mistakes in the above - responses and criticism are welcome from those who have also undertaken this journey, or are thinking about it, or are just on the forum and want to talk.