I think getting into a situation where you're the BL would be disastrous.
Sure, you'd learn a lot and gain powerful hindsight. Problem is you'd more than pay for it; You're likely to become even more stressed to the point of flaming burnout if you try to do it with your current perspective.
Maybe that's the path you're on, but there's no rule that says you can't change paths.
What follows has been
my path; I don't know if you'll get all the way through it; Thanks if you can, and thanks for bringing up the topic; It's actually already helped me in ways I won't get into now.
I was where you are as a young man. I feared losing control because I feared others wouldn't do things
my way; I put all my energy into defiance of anything that threatened that. The result was I spun my wheels and got stuck in my head - a lot.
As others have mentioned, acceptance is the key.
I'm just not in control of anything outside of my own thoughts, attitude and actions. Accepting that has been kind of freeing, and it's something I'm grateful for.
Also accepting that we're all flawed humans, including/especially ourselves.
Just a few things I've found helpful:
- An exercise in delegation: If you find yourself taking on too much in a group - It WILL happen if it hasn't yet with your/our personality type - You might tell the others "I've taken on more than my own bandwidth allows and I need some help picking up the slack". Then see if you can get one person to agree to take a specific task off your plate.
- Provide whatever tools, collateral or documentation you have that can make the task simple, then let it go.
- See if the task gets done and report back
- If it got done, you're on your way to rewiring some toxic thinking, congrats! Now wash/rinse/repeat as part of your daily thing.
- If the ball gets dropped and the task remains undone, no worries; That person just showed you that his or her flaws are in conflict enough with your peace of mind that you might consider working with someone else instead.
- I'm all about second chances; My usual conversation under the circumstances goes along the lines of, "This isn't going to work for me; Let's try this a second time - What needs to happen differently for this to work?" If they drop the ball a second time, I rarely give 3rd chances; I work too hard to maintain my own peace of mind to give it away freely. Time to move on and work with someone else.
- Work on Gratitude, Faith & Humility:
- Gratitude - Others have mentioned this. My story with gratitude is I'd just gone through a harrowing physical, mental and spiritual hell for 8 days due to bad choices I'd made in life. Then I caught XYZ pandemic when it first landed. When I finally got over it, a doctor diagnosed me with a not-good condition, also a result of bad life choices. When I presented my list of troubles to a counselor, she asked me, "Have you considered putting together a gratitude list? I looked her square in the eye and said, "Gratitude? Are you f*****g kidding me? That's got to be the stupidest f*****g thing I've ever heard. Weren't you just listening to me? Yeah. Turns out she was right. I try to put a lot on that list daily now. It's amazingly freeing.
- Faith (this is not about religion, more about spiritual health) - If you don't have faith in a higher power, try to have faith in something bigger than you. At least have faith in the process. I've found it useful in many ways, two of which are equally freeing:
- It let's me trust that I'm not in charge and I can turn it over/let it go.
- Side benefit - It helps get me out of my head
- Humility - I used to think humility was on the same lines as being humiliated. Now I consider it a gift. If acceptance is everything, it should probably begin with understanding, accepting and working on my own flaws.
- A Reading Assignment: There's so much good reading out there, it's hard to know where to start. One unlikely book I'd recommend is called The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*** - The word is actually spelled out except for the "U". Maybe it's just the glib, tongue-in-cheek tone; I found it so helpful that I loaned it to my son when I was done. I can't get it back from him now that he's done with it.
- Some Practical Advise: At some point, you'll probably take on the roll of BL, hopefully when you're ready.
- A key trait of good leadership is identifying successful traits in others, seeking those out who have those traits and allowing them to exercise them without micro management.
- Put in simpler terms, it's all about surrounding yourself with reliable, skillful people, then trusting them to help drive a successful outcome.
- Odds are good the team you're currently working with right now "ain't it".
- Not because they suck or some such, but because neither you or they are probably there yet; You're just not likely to be at point where you're able to easily identify and work with successful-trait people, and many of those you're working with are not likely ready to BE those people. At your age, they're definitely out there, it just takes more effort & skill on both ends - Many of us have had to make a lifetime of mistakes before finding ourselves on the right path (gaining even modest wisdom only with age can be little embarrassing). Good news - You deserve to be working with those people as long as your willing to embody successful traits - That's willing, not 100% able.
Great news is you've shown a willingness to start working in the right direction. Keep it up, go easy on yourself when you slip backwards and keep striving for perfection. Just understand the moment you think you've arrived, you're far from it - aim for perfection but accept progress as best choice between the two. As others have mentioned, get somebody to work with you on this stuff; A counselor, sponsor, trusted confidant, someone who's got a healthy perspective you want.
Then, by all means,
remember to pay it forward with someone else who asks. You'll have your own story to share that may resonate with someone experiencing the same challenges. It's maybe the best way to help maintain peace of mind - Help someone else. Just make sure they want your help first.
Oh yeah - Did I mention it's all about acceptance?