My first bass, a 1961 Epiphone Newport. Sold and bought it back TWICE.
I got it in 72, and cut my teeth on it all the way through high school.
Got tired of fighting the mudbucker, but still loved how it looked, and played.
Hung on to it through several other basses, but eventually got my first Pbass.
Sold it to my best friend. Started pining for it, bought it back.
10 years later, sold it to another friend. And sure enough,...Started pining again.
Begged him to trade it back to me for a Ampeg 2x15 cab. Being a good friend, he acquiesced.
Gave it over to yet another friend who did paint work for him to strip and refinish the back of the neck, which had the old nitro starting to "alligator " pretty bad.
A year later....he passed away. No sign of my old bass.
2 years later, his family contacted me to let me know it had been found,
in pieces , and gave it back to me. It stayed like that, deconstructed , for the next 15 years.
I've spent the last 2 years restoring it to its former glory, and its almost finished.
I'll soon be posting its coming out photos.
Thats 3 times gone, 3 times back. I ain't sellin it again!