Portable apps...folder? I just did a little peruse...are apps bundled? or is it all individual portable apps?Just a note, I've been making extensive use of PortableApps for Windows. It allows you to run apps from a directory or USB drive, without affecting the system registry or files. All of the apps are open source. I often work at a lot of different PC's, and want access to my utilities without having to mess up their system. Also, because these are all stand alone apps, you can trash your PC and quickly re-install your apps just by copying the PortableApps folder.
so any clue why the websites that "sell" you the software non-portable (or hide it in their sites) in comparison to this site? That's the thing that surprises me most.The big one is Notepad++, just for looking at text files and having a place to store a data dump. I also keep a copy of Chrome on there, in case the computer I'm working on doesn't have a satisfactory browser with my favorite security plug-ins. All of the installed plug-ins go with you when you carry the file folder somewhere else.
I get everything by letting the PortableApps app download and install additional apps from their site.
PortableApps.com - Portable software for USB, portable, and cloud drives
In a similar vein, the same USB drive has an installation of WinPython, which is my electronic lab notebook and general swiss army knife.