Gold basses. Yum!

Not mine, but still nice.

A man's gotta play what a man's gotta play! Fury sounds pretty nice, too. BTW, I never thought I would like a brown and gold Music Man either. Learned something new today. Thanks for sharing these pics.

Thanks! It's a funky color, for sure. It really changes depending on how the light hits it. The pictures make it look like it's darker around the edges, but it's not. It's the same color all over. It's just how the light reflects.

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I'm a big fan of the original Fender Shoreline Gold. Somewhat recently, I went looking for a Jazz Deluxe to use when I needed Fender on the headstock and fortunately found this beauty, which I have been gigging a lot lately. I replaced the pre with a Sadowsky and the pups with Delano JMVC4's. It's a killer.
1997 Fender Jazz Deluxe for Web (2).JPG