Double Bass ii V i lines

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So if I understand correctly, everything you are referring to is in direct relation to the melodic minor scale.

I'm not sure I would call it a problem in it self, but In C melodic minor ( ;) sorry Terry Riley ) The segment B C D Eb create a diminished fourth/major 3rd. Then when you apply this concept to any chord you end up with a diminished fourth...

C E G could be C Fb G if it comes from C Db Eb Fb and it's from the Db melodic minor scale.

C Eb G could be C Eb Abb because Eb Fb Gb Abb from Fb melodic minor.

This is what I understood from your other thread. I am not saying I agree with this but this is what I think you mean.
The 7th degree of melodic minor is min7b5 but in fourths is 7+9
OK, it’s clear that this thread cannot stay respectful, so I am closing it. If we cannot disagree respectfully on matters of theoretical minutiae out of context, and if understanding harmony in context is not part of the impetus of the thread, then there is no reasonable way forward within the TOS of the site.
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