My second homemade bass - an enhanced version of the 1st.

These videos show the details of exactly what I (and I suspect most of us here on LC) do to make our instruments. I might use different tools, but I do the same measuring and forming. Keep it up! and chip out sucks, when that happens to me I do one of two things 1) glue the chip out back in; or 2) turn the "mistake" into a "feature". In fact that's half of my design process. ha!
Jisch, that pieces were the ones which gave me a lot of work to glue them on the headstock... instead of glue them back I'll do (almost) like you: turn into a feature by opening a bit more the angle of that "half-moon" untill matching the corners to each other with my improvised sandpaper "roller".

Thanks for watching :D :D
You do such a good job with so few tools. Love watching your videos...... but after managing pubs and clubs for well over 20 years there's one thing I can do better..... and that's pour a beer properly :laugh:

That looks like a very nice dark beer. What is it?
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