You have a good one!
The cab is a double baffle B-15NC and all the parts are there. Often the tilt back leg is missing.
The speaker is not original. You have an alnico Jensen model number P15LL-C6435. The 220232 code indicates Jensen (220), 1962 (2), 32nd week of the year. It’s a very good smooth sounding speaker. There were often used in Leslie organ speaker cabinets. Those speakers were 16 ohm. Your amp performs best with an 8 ohm speaker and will be a bit louder with an 8 ohm speaker when the volume is turned up.
What to do? If you have an ohm meter, measure the resistance at the connector where the green and black wires attach. A 16 ohm speaker will measure about 12 ohms, not 16. If it reads under 8 ohms (around 6), you have an 8 ohm speaker. If it sounds good as is, enjoy it that way.
The NC schematic is available online, see the TalkBass Portaflex Wiki. It should also be on the tray that the chassis sits on, it’s seen when chassis is removed.