When the B-15 Heritage was first released, it was a limited run for North America. It was a a turret board build like the original, it also used the same tube compliment. They later released a run for Europe. This had a few changed to meet the EU requirements. Neather were exact replicas of the original designs. Some features were added. They were well built.
They later released the more affordable Heritage B-15N revision. This had the black chassis, a printed circuit board, and it used 12AX7 family small signal tubes tubes instead of the 6SL7 tubes.
Some details are here, scroll down to the Heritage description. There are some chassis images that illustrate the construction.
All came with a double baffle speaker cabinet. This was based on what Mark offers at
Vintage Blue. He consulted with them on the design to get it right.
So when you talk Heritage B-15’s, they aren’t all the same circuits or construction.
I should add, there were hum issues reported by some. They first came up in the EU but some North American amps suffered from this as well. These complaints were addressed on an individual basis. I can say that the vintage revisions when up to spec are dead quiet.
In my mind, the holy grail of B-15’s is the 1964 B-15NC. That’s the real deal. This revision is very hard to find. The problem with older amps is they often require some tech time as well as attention to the cabinet.. In my case, I recovered my cab and made some minor wiring changes to the amp. This took a lot of work, more effort than I’ve put into any other B15. It looks better and performs better than new. Having a tech to all this would have been unaffordable for most players.
The aluminum chassis of the TWS amp is a nice feature. Aluminum helps lower the noise. It’s a new amp with a warranty. They will also respond to your questions. All a big plus. You will be able to enjoy it for life. I don’t see how you can go wrong with this amp. It looks like a very good alternative. In the videos,it sounds very good.
I would ask them, how quiet is it in terms of AC line related hum? In an ideal world, I’d want a 6.3V DC heater circuit as opposed to the AC heater that the B-15 has. At least on the 6SL7 tubes. DC makes it even quieter. Some would argue that if built well in terms of layout and twisted pair heater wires, this isn’t required. Still, it’s a feature that I would want in a studio amp.