Official Barefaced Bass Cab Club

king_arthur1953 said:
A stocking distributer in North America would be awesome. I would think it is a lucrative market here.

Bigger market, but more direct competition, so it's not a given. Maybe. Hmm... If I were Alex (I am, but not that Alex...), I'd try to get a builder here. The most expensive parts (drivers) are sourced from the US, for one. Then, the cab panels can be spat out on a CNC machine anywhere, so no physical shipping required across the pond. Just need a competent builder. Build cost could actually be cheaper.
If I were Alex (I am, but not that Alex...), I'd try to get a builder here. The most expensive parts (drivers) are sourced from the US, for one. Then, the cab panels can be spat out on a CNC machine anywhere, so no physical shipping required across the pond. Just need a competent builder. Build cost could actually be cheaper.

That's exactly what I was thinking when I brought this up.
Alex - would you consider offering the Super Fifteen loaded with a pair of Faital 15PR400 woofers? They go a little deeper and extend higher than the Kappalite 3015. I'll bet they'd sound excellent. I'd pick one up.
5StringPocket said:
Yes, the Faital 15PR400 and Eminence 3015 can use the same cabinet volume and tuning. I've modelled them and several on this forum have first hand experience swapping them out.

That's a good question. Just going on what WinISD spits out for the same starting alignment, the Faital gives a bigger box by a bit (maybe half a cubic ft+ per driver IIRC). I trust they still sound great (per johnk's sounds clips), but there'd be a touch of that low mid bumpage in the same box. Am I wrong?

Nothing Alex couldn't work out though, as I think we can all agree he knows what he's doing :D
Excellent use of the smilies :)

Thank you.

It took over 9000 seconds.

I want a Compact!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:hyper::hyper::hyper::hyper::hyper:

I am very much leaning towards getting a GK mb fusion 500 head ATM...

I think the warmth, grit, and articulate 'GK' edge
(all of which can be dialled out... I've been assured??? )
would complement the low mid bluesy tone I seem to dial in 90% of the time.

gives me confidence in the EQ... and the filthy cababilities of the preamp:D .
Gassing for a Compact here, and maybe a Midget on top, too, or another Compact. fact is, I'm gonna get something, just have to wait until some money I've inherited gets out of probate around January, 2013.

Anyone know how a Midget stands up against a Markbass Traveler 151P cab? I've no doubt that the Compact will please me. Right now I'm running two 151Ps, but feel that a Midget/Compact stack will do better and give me more options.
Was first interested by the Super15 but finally ordered a Big Twin (no Tweeter) 7 weeks ago (6-8 weeks turnaround time as per Alex)... Should be a matter of a few weeks from now. Can't wait to receive it, see it, break it in and most importantly rock it with my new SVT-7 Pro! Will post Pics + first impressions as soon as I get it :)
First day @ home, months ago:


Waiting for a gig pic to post!
More than able to get loud Ampeg tone!

I was a little afraid of the "too much Hi-Fi-ness" effect, but you know, where there is a will... I've yet to hear any complaint from my gourtmet/picky punk rock drummer.

I liked a lot the sound of the SVT-7 through a Peavey 410 cab, and when testing it with headphones or DI'd to monitors. I LOVE it through the Big Twin. It's a mid-heavy head so I've got the midrange driver attenuator of the cab always on (even the head mids knob rolled a bit off in the third position, if I feel like letting the guitar breath). The first weeks of rehearsal it needed some bass EQ boost, but now it mostly stays at 11 or noon.

If you have any worry about the cab not being one of the most sensitive ones, I've got good news too. The head has enough power to make the woofer cones collide with the frontal grid, and I'd swear they weren't farting by overexcursion yet! That was on an isolated, I-can't-believe-I'm-the-only-one-that-thinks-nobody-should-ever-get-SO-LOUD occasion. No SVT-7 cutting out bad juju here.