I can empathize. I have partially read a couple of books on becoming a better socializer. I thought the books were pretty much a waste of time as the secret is study and practice. In other words, you have to work at it if it doesn't come naturally.
The study part essentially involves researching, developing, and
memorizing interesting things to talk about. It's easier if you are actually interested in common conversation topics...which I am not. Also it's easier to practice something you enjoy, and I don't enjoy small talk and general shooting the
. However if socializing was something I had to do three or more times a week, I could get better at it.
Just keep in mind, if you are an introvert becoming a successful socializer is likely to be a life-long journey. It's not going to happen over night unless you are actually a closet extrovert....and I have met people whose experience seems to fit that description.
Good luck.