i tried out a pl5050 but i didn't like the pickups. they were very loud, electronic and thin sounding. it might just have been that particular one though. how does yours sound?
I'll need to genuinely join soon- I'm waiting on a fretless lawsuit P(formerly quadzilla's).
Just got (two days ago) a nifty ATK750KA... here's a quick pic... absolutely LOVE the wood! Even the back is wonderfully grained (ash?). One thing... I'm putting flats on it.
Hi Guys,
"The Ibanez Club" eh?? Can I join - I love 'em.
I'm having trouble with the bridge on my Saber. Neck is straight, she sounds great but can't seem to get my head around the silly bridge (Think it's the B IV with only 3 screws, two on one side, one on the other and no individual saddle adjustment) Whatever I try I can't seem to get the low action that I like. She's too high.
ANY HELP WOULD BE REALLY APPRECIATED cos it'll save me a few English Pounds if I can sort her myself.
Chris, Wolverhampton, England
Here's my '92 Ibby SR1300:
Padauk body; Wenge/Bubinga 5-piece neck; Wenge fretboard
i love this!!
SRs all have 3-band EQs
I used to have an 90s SR400 that had a 2-band with a style sweep instead of mid control. There are a lot of SR pres out there.
Okay, okay, my bad. Shows I'm still an Ibanez n00b. I remain convinced that bass rodl2005 is talking about is an SRX, though -- unless the SR body shape dramatically changed since it was introduced, I don't see where binding can be applied to its body (no sharp edges).
But you guys are right, the surefire way to tell one from the other is indeed the pickups. Soapbars with covers? It's an SR. Big MusicMan-sized humbuckers with exposed poles? SRX.