Wow, that's a real looker ... I love what you've done to it! How well does it balance? I ask because my Spector Forte-X has the strap pin behind the neck, and I did try moving it to where yours is, but find it much much better in the original position. I am TOTALLY going BEAD in the near future. Thanks for the pep talk about it!
Thanks, actually I did move both strap buttons, one at the neck plate, the other on the rear upper bout and it balances well.
I used to string both basses with EB flats. Recently I restrung the G&L (EADG) with Dunlop nickel rounds which produce a very deep and basic sound. I really dig that sound. As I never used nylon, I would like to know the specific advantages of nylon wrapped strings, that is, soundwise. Who?
Yeah, I want flats for mine as I feel they would give a more bassy sound perfect for a low B. Maybe Flatwounds on the B and E, and Roundwounds on the A and D
Hereunder are two examples of simple Johnny Thunders songs, one with flats, the other with rounds. The pedal settings were exactly the same for both songs.
Example with BEAD EB flatwounds, Ibby Example with Dunlop nickel rounds, G&L EADG
Thanks for both of those I didn't realise that flats would give higher tension, and to be honest I like having floppy strings...
Light flats are also available. A flatwound string is a little denser as there is little more material. Higher density means extra tension. If you install flats one step thinner than the rounds you are used to, they'll have about the same tension. A while ago I programmed a string calculator. The density can be set for massive strings, roundwounds and flatwounds. I t can be downloaded from DropBox: StringCalculator