Wife Doesn’t Know

I'm in the fortunate or unfortunate position where I pay all the bills including anything that goes wrong in the house. So if I want to buy a bass or anything and I have the money, she can't really complain. Freedom aint free as they say LoL.
I was..stress....was in the same situation...except that when I wanted something I had to ask.... BTW I am now a single man an can do what I wish.
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I know a guy who bought a $40,000 custom Harley and didn't breathe a word of it to his wife until he rode it home and wrapped the throttle in driveway to announce his homecoming. She appeared on the doorstep, looked at him and said "you owe me $10,000." The frame on the bike tweaked and was sold for peanuts, and she got way more than ten grand in the settlement. Confess now, tell her the truth, and play happy.
That’s awesome!
Thinking I might really get some peoples shorts in a bunch and start a thread called “Immoral Godless Heathens That Deceive Their Spouses and How They Make It Happen”
You mean like;
I think you're an awful human being.
Why you...you %#**
I hope you burn in...
I'd love to see your fingers curl up like a...
Is that sorta what you mean by ''shorts in a bunch?:).
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I love to tell this story, so my apologizes to those who have read it before.

My then GF now wife and I were killing time at some music stores. We had bought her a guitar about 6 months earlier, and she finds a PRS import in the exact color Blue she loves. She asks "Do we have enough room for another guitar"? I replied "Hi, let me introduce myself...." We pretty much see eye to eye on band gear. The second criteria on the house she bought was to have a space for my band gear.
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Dude, I feel for you, but if you're cool with it so be it. It will be a cold day in Hell when I work for a living and someone tells me I have to account for every penny I earn and that I get no say in the matter. Just me personally, not meant to be offensive. The day she tells me I can't buy something that we can afford, and that won't harm us financially is the day she quits getting stuff too.

Having said that, my wife is awesome and I don't have to worry about these things.

I'm out of guesses...symmetric headstock is hard enough to find, but carbon fiber makes it difficult. Carvin I know has that as an add on, but would be made in America also...so. Gibson also has some 5 string symmetric headstock, but they put 2+3 not 3+2. Schecter, Lackland, G&L, Sadowsky, Fender, Squier, MM, and PRS have asymmetric headstocks. I can only think of BC Rich or Danelectro.
Nope but, you’re getting warmer!
Your list of companies included it but I’m not telling which one.
man... I feel sorry for you. It's just a bass and you have to ask for permission.

It's not like using your son or daughters college money or worse, selling her shoes or that jeans that makes her hiney look small.

That said, just keep it quiet. They can't tell the difference between a Hondo and a Hofner a Fender from a Fodera.

Not thinking like this is not only how I've stayed married, but stayed in a marriage that doesn't remotely suck.

EDIT: OTOH, I don't have a lot of basses, guitars, amps, etc.... Well, in my mind not a lot, anyway.
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So, Friday night (Saturday early hours) after a long week and a few glasses of fine Kentucky (as if there were some other kind) bourbon I decided to give in to my urges of lust.

This sexy, long, lean and aggressive black beauty of a bass begged me to give her a home so, I put in the online order and now, I anxiously await her arrival.

I come to all of you, my trustworthy and experienced brothers and sisters of the bass world for advice. :unsure:

My challenge is:
A) should I tell her about this affair before my new love arrives or wait until she’s living under the same roof?
B) when she finds out should I be under the same roof or do it from afar (text, phone, snail mail)?
C) should I just not engage the topic and just hide her and only bring her out to play when the wife is away?

Ohhhh, how do I get myself into these situations?!:banghead:
Just tell her I pick up a good deal on this bass.
You can also like the doghouse..BOW WOW WOoF WOoF.
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