So, after messing around with my new zoom b3n i wanted to create an aggressive,clear sound with a little bit of that metallic sound of Justin Chancellor from Tool.
I tested it with 3 different basses.
A squier precision with flat strings 50-105
A cort action plus with nickel strings 45-105
A warwick rockbass std streamer with nickel strings 45-105
i used:
MB Comp:
Comp:70, LoTHR:50, HiTHR:50, Vol:25
Bass Pre:
Bass:0, Mid:3, Treble:2, Vol:50
FreQ:125, Lo:60, Hi:36, Vol:50
Bass:2.5, MID-F:630, MID:0.0, Treble:0.0, BRGHT:30, Drive:30, Vol:25, Chara:0.5 (both units ON)
DYN20:70, DYN57:85, Bottom:44, Bal:100
If you want a more "clanky" sound raise the Character from the EBH360
I got a nice metal sound with the cort bass.
With the Squier P i think it was exactly the sound i had in my mind. Aggressive,clanky but also darker because of the flat strings i suppose.
With the warwick rb it was much darker and muddier because of the humbuckers and i didnt like it so much.
Maybe with a jazz bass will sound better
I will try and use some overdrive with this patch to see if i can get a more progressive metal perhaps sound.
Tell me what you think or what tweaks you did with this patch to make it sound like what you had in mind...
I tested it with 3 different basses.
A squier precision with flat strings 50-105
A cort action plus with nickel strings 45-105
A warwick rockbass std streamer with nickel strings 45-105
i used:
MB Comp:
Comp:70, LoTHR:50, HiTHR:50, Vol:25
Bass Pre:
Bass:0, Mid:3, Treble:2, Vol:50
FreQ:125, Lo:60, Hi:36, Vol:50
Bass:2.5, MID-F:630, MID:0.0, Treble:0.0, BRGHT:30, Drive:30, Vol:25, Chara:0.5 (both units ON)
DYN20:70, DYN57:85, Bottom:44, Bal:100
If you want a more "clanky" sound raise the Character from the EBH360
I got a nice metal sound with the cort bass.
With the Squier P i think it was exactly the sound i had in my mind. Aggressive,clanky but also darker because of the flat strings i suppose.
With the warwick rb it was much darker and muddier because of the humbuckers and i didnt like it so much.
Maybe with a jazz bass will sound better
I will try and use some overdrive with this patch to see if i can get a more progressive metal perhaps sound.
Tell me what you think or what tweaks you did with this patch to make it sound like what you had in mind...