I've played Spectors and for some reason they never did anything for me. That other "S" bass company is on my list for possible future gas, but I think next on my list is a G&L. Never owned one. Never played one for more than a minute, and that was before I even really knew how to play.
I HAVE to sell some first though. I honestly don't have room any more. And I'm not yet a millionaire .
If, by "that other S bass manufacturer" you mean Sadowsky, that's what I bought in February that has caused me to stop rotating through my existing basses. Everyone's different but that ended my gas for basses in a way that hasn't happened probably since I got my first "real" high-quality bass in 1986, a brand new G&L L-2000 in transparent blue with a Kahler tremolo system. That was my one true bass love for over 20 years. Still have 'er.