I am absolutely certain now that my favorite bass is...

I've played Spectors and for some reason they never did anything for me. That other "S" bass company is on my list for possible future gas, but I think next on my list is a G&L. Never owned one. Never played one for more than a minute, and that was before I even really knew how to play.

I HAVE to sell some first though. I honestly don't have room any more. And I'm not yet a millionaire :).

If, by "that other S bass manufacturer" you mean Sadowsky, that's what I bought in February that has caused me to stop rotating through my existing basses. Everyone's different but that ended my gas for basses in a way that hasn't happened probably since I got my first "real" high-quality bass in 1986, a brand new G&L L-2000 in transparent blue with a Kahler tremolo system. That was my one true bass love for over 20 years. Still have 'er.
This is my favorite bass, I think of it as a favorite bass rotation throughout the month... Playing in a funk R&b cover band and other side projects keeps me busy enough to use them all :)
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I've played Spectors and for some reason they never did anything for me. That other "S" bass company is on my list for possible future gas, but I think next on my list is a G&L. Never owned one. Never played one for more than a minute, and that was before I even really knew how to play.

I HAVE to sell some first though. I honestly don't have room any more. And I'm not yet a millionaire :).
G&L you gotta go there.
Totally in the same boat but i buy many fewer basses than you... my Brute is a few years old and i still love it to death and don't play my other basses. if they come out with a 5 string caprice i might have to spring for it
I've come to realize that I just love bass in general and there are so many nice basses out there.

I do tend to come back to one most often these days, so my favourite bass is not always my last purchased bass.

But if this is the case for you, as long as you don't buy another bass, you'll always be playing your favourite! Well, even if you buy a new one you will too, so it's a win-win either way! No matter what, you'll always be playing your favourite bass.
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One of the things I have enjoyed about maturing both in life and as a bassist is that I dont really have a favorite. They are all tools and each one is a little bit different and some are more useful for certain types of music.

So I may have a favorite bass for playing funk, or a favorite for playing classic rock, etc.

That said I do find that I go through infatuations. When I was doing more collecting gear that I was playing it, I might've preferred my more recent acquisitions for the most part. But I've been playing pretty regularly for the last seven years so now my infatuations tend to be the basses that are getting the most playtime.
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My newest bass.

I give up.

Don't anyone ever listen to me again when I recommend, review, or praise a bass. What I say means nothing. I love all basses. My favorite bass will always be whatever bass I just bought. End of story.

And I wish I were joking.

As some might know I just picked up a brand new MIM Fender Jazz. I brought it to a gig today, and I was in complete heaven. Got every sound I wanted, played effortlessly, was punchy, fit perfectly in the mix, balanced excellently, bla, bla, bla, bla.....

10 years ago it was a Bongo. Then it was a Stingray. Then a Big Al. Then a 2013 Gibson EB. Ahh.... then I was in love with my Antigua Jazz for a while, but didn't talk about it cuz I had trashed Fender for so long I was embarrassed :). Next ---my Rickenbacker--- I couldn't shut up about that one. Can't use it now because they don't make a hipshot for it, and I need a hipshot with my new band.

A few months ago I picked up a Caprice. I've been doing cartwheels with that as if feels nicer than any bass I've ever laid hands on. Then gas hit again when I decided I needed a black Jazz bass.

This jazz bass is unbelievable. And it will be my favorite bass until the next bass.

And then that will be my favorite bass.

My favorite bass will always be my newest bass. This I realized today.

The end. Well... the 2nd end, as I ended this up above in the 3rd line.

Anyone else in this boat with me?

Sounds about normal to me.
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Isn't it funny? I've played so many but was always a bit prejudiced against BC Rich "oh those are goofy looking and only for metal players" then I got a double P neck through Mockingbird and all those years of trashing them went out the window. The tone is just about perfect for what I always wanted (I don't play metal) sometimes we just fine something that fits and it's often the thing we least expected. I always wanted a Ric but then played a few and it really didn't do anything for me