Who Loves Block Inlay Fretboards ?

Atelier Z JHJ.jpg

My Atelier Z JHJ and my Mexi Jazz
I like them but unfortunately don't have any. Just never had them on basses that I otherwise liked.

My opinion is painted headstock does more for the overall look but that's for another thread.

I've seen the stickers for adding these but that seems like it's not in my patience-wheelhouse. My overall experience with repetitive things like that is they all look like a drunk monkey did the work.
Some basses yes; Some basses no. I consider them to be the same as white wall tires. OK on a classic design in most cases. Awful looking on a modern design.
Not to throw a wrench in the inlay party, but I just listened to the most recent episode of the Scott's Bass Lessons podcast where Scott is talking about having a custom FBass made for him. Apparently, Marcel at FBass says block inlays hamper the tone. I believe the story was, when they make a run of 10 basses and one of them is a standout, it never has block inlays. They also mention that Marcel says neck construction is the most important part of fundamental tone, and the theory is that removing large chunks of the fingerboard cuts down on resonance and stability.

I have not tested/verified this for myself, but it's interesting the think about. I've always loved the look, but that little nugget of wisdom has made me think twice.