The Official U.S. Peavey Cirrus Club

Here are some decent pics of mine. It might be on the way out though since I really would get more use out of a five.:(

See, you shoulda' jumped on that blue one instead of posting the ebay auction here for some random idiot to jump on. ;) :D


Lesseee... where'd I put that pic... nah, I won't be mean... :)
I currently play a Cirrus 5 BXP. I love it. My only complaint is the mid-range characteristics that never seem to go away.... I figure having the mid sweep on the bass will help my mid peeve. I'm looking for a pretty warm tone, but I still want to have a little edge when I need it. Any advice??

One thing you can do, if you like your BXP, is to put the US Millennium preamp in it. It all but drops right in. It's the same preamp used in the US Cirrus series, but it has the sweepable midrange. It did wonders for my BXP 5, which is now, tonally, is all but indistinguishable from my U.S. Cirrus.

sign me up man. i have noidea what woods my cirrus is made of. i think the top wood is walnut but who cares it looks good. this is actually my secod axe after my first ibanez p.o.s. soundgear. i want to get a fender jazz bass but i cant afford a new one..........
So I guess I'm a new member to the Cirrus club. I just bought a Redwood Cirrus 6 from another TBer as a backup bass while my Alembic Elan 6 is being repaired after Southwest Air killed it:bawl: I just played my first gig on it tonight and aside from the pickups and preamp not having the same range as my Alembic I was really blown away by it! I bought it as a back up but it might find it's way on gigs occasionally even after the Alembic returns.
Sorry, guys. i am not it the club, but I'm considering it. My local shop has had a 6 string Cirrus hanging for at least 4 years. Its a flame maple with a maple board. I'm not a 6 string player (I don't even own a 5 right now), but they have it priced at around $1000 and it almost calls to me.
I might drop in there this week and fiddle around. Who knows, 6 strings might be my thing.

Six stringin' is pretty fun. Don't think of it as this gigantic bass, just a bass with lots of options. Sure, you have a low string and a high string, but try thinking of it as a bass with all sorts of range without moving around. Park yourself around the 5th position, find all the harmonics and other stuff without having to deviate more than 2 positions. After that, you may decide 6 is easier than other basses. One good thing is you can set up a Cirrus bass with some of the lowest action PERIOD! I may have a decent boutique collection, but those Cirrus basses can run with the big dawgs.
Six stringin' is pretty fun. Don't think of it as this gigantic bass, just a bass with lots of options. Sure, you have a low string and a high string, but try thinking of it as a bass with all sorts of range without moving around. Park yourself around the 5th position, find all the harmonics and other stuff without having to deviate more than 2 positions. After that, you may decide 6 is easier than other basses. One good thing is you can set up a Cirrus bass with some of the lowest action PERIOD! I may have a decent boutique collection, but those Cirrus basses can run with the big dawgs.
It sure looks big, but I found my old fiver more intuitive that I thought I would. I should not have sold it.

Back to the Cirri, I was poking around craigslist a while back and saw a 4 with what looked like a burst finish on the flame maple. It was damn beautiful. I've been thinking about that 6 ever since. Really the only way to now if it's for me is the test drive. Well, that and convincing my wife I need another bass.
Here's mine


Checked out the 6 today and I have a question. Please bear in mind this is the first Cirrus I have ever picked up. It was a flame maple top, so it was gloss, but the neck was unfinished. Is this normal? The price was actually $1200 but I swear that 2 looked like a zero last week.

All I did was a quick unplugged test run to see if it was even my thing. The bass played very well and I'm still interested. Visually, it was a little shop worn, but nothing really bad. As I was leaving the owner's wife jokingly asked when I was buying it. I told her it was an expensive decision and that I wasn't going to rush it. she replied with "(owner's name) will be back in two weeks and wants to get rid of it. Drop in and see what he'll take."

So I guess I will have to see.